Lesson 7: On The Shoulder
Key Points: Placing The Violin on Your Shoulder
You have already learnt the pieces in guitar position in this lesson. Now go and enjoy these getting used to the new position.
Be careful not to place your violin on your chest rather than on your shoulder.
Look carefully at the video - the violin is almost sideways on to me, not out in front (this can cause the instrument to slope downwards which will cause bowing problems.
Adjust your shoulder rest if necessary. Heightening the shoulder rest with the feet raises the violin upwards.
Sometimes changing your chin rest can make a difference. There are many types. Some people with long necks do benefit from a change of chin rest.
If you are having problems getting the instrument to be level and comfortable then visit a good string instrument shop to get help and advice.
You can do lesson 8 with this lesson.
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or on to: Lesson 8