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Lesson 6 - Adding the THIRD finger

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20 Pease pud... - Student's Track
20 Pease pud... - Duet
21 Clown Dance - Student's Track
21 Clown Dance - Duet

What can go wrong in the pieces?

Providing you have begun to recognise the problems from the previous lessons and are managing to correct them the main issue that some students face is ensuring that, as with your first finger and second finger, your third finger is also tune.


You can see in the picture where the finger needs to be (snuggling next to the 2nd finger).  For many people the fingers are touching although if you have particular fine (thin) fingers there may be the possibility of a slight gap.


If you know where to find a note on a piano keyboard (G is the fifth note up from middle C) then you can check your accuracy by listening to the note and comparing it with what you hear from the keyboard. You can also try the smartphone app too.

Key Points

  • First of all make sure you violin is in tune.

  • You will continue with plucking the violin in guitar position.

  • This lesson is about the third finger on the D string and getting it in tune.

  • You can see in the picture where the finger needs to be (right next to the 2nd finger).

  • If you know where to find a note on a piano keyboard (G is a white note 5 up from middle C counting C as 1) then you check your accuracy by listening to the note and comparing it with what you hear from the keyboard.

  • The two pieces start by building up to a 3rd finger making it easier to find and place accurately.

  • Real accuracy on the violin is achieved over a period of time. It gets better as you practise. So be patient.

  • Be sure you are accurate in guitar position before placing the violin on your shoulder.

  • Piece No. 21 has quavers which are twice as fast as crotchets. The quavers are quicker but practise them steadily before you try to make them quicker.

  • Remember that at this stage, you will make progress with just  a few minutes practice each day. You don't need to do lots.

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