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Lesson 26

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54 London Bridge - Student's Track
54 London Bridge - Duet
55 Tea for Two - Student's Track
55 Tea for Two - Duet


Check your bowing hand. Is your thumb bent or have you straightened it without realising it?

You thumb has to be bent so that your bow can pivot on it easily. If your thumb is straight it is effectively 'locked' which will make it more difficult for you to play sensitively. It will also cause other problems too in the future and can be a very difficult habit to get rid of.

Key Points: Pieces 54 & 55


  • We get get quicker still with Piece 54. All the previous advice about playing slowly at first to build up the speed applies here.

  • Piece 55 is a cha-cha-cha and is a quick dance. Leggiero means 'light and delicate' so make sure that you use the lightest possible bow hold.

  • In Piece 54 notice the dotted crotchet. Adding a dot in this way adds on 'half again' so it becomes a quaver longer than just a crotchet. The quaver after the dotted crotchet makes up a special rhythm that you play often in music (tum-ta-tum-ta-tum etc.)

  • The duet for Piece 55 is fun. Make sure that you take it steady at first. Keep the bow short and remember to do the 'lift' for the fresh down-bow.


  • As always start by doing a bowhold check, do a whole bow warm up, playing the scale of D major and G major. This is so easy to do and really helps you check your tuning.

  • To get going pluck through each piece once or twice.

  • Then try with the bow the Student's Track until you feel confident to move on to the duets.

  • Go from plucking to bowing and back to plucking until you are confidently bowing each piece.

  • Don't be in any rush to 'get it right straight away' - being patient will pay off in the long run.

  • Go over previous videos if you think something's not right.

  • Most 'horrible' sounds occur because of a tense right hand causing the bow to 'tremble,' 'bounce' or be 'scratchy'.

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