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Lesson 18

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38 Long, long ago - Student's Track
38 Long, long ago - Duet
39 Ode To Joy - Student's Track
39 Ode To Joy - Duet


Things can go wrong. If you want to improve something really think about EXACTLY what the problem might be. It could be just 2 notes in the piece. Perhaps it's a string change. Or it could be your bow position. Whatever it is, decide to give it some focussed attention. Practise only that bit completely on its own. Don't play through the music until you've practised just that bit of detail. When you do it this way you will surprised at the speed of your improvement.

Key Points: Pieces 38 & 39


  • Piece 38 reinforces your work on 4th fingers. Once again ease towards an accurate 4th finger. Don't strain it.

  • Piece 39 is a famous piece of music. If 4ths are still a problem don't inhibit your enjoyment by overdoing it. Use 4ths insted until your 4th is strong enough.

  • Note that in Piece 38 you can use the preceeding open As to pitch your 4th finger which needs to sound the same.

  • Piece 39 is a mile-stone for you. Once you've learned it you will really have the feeling of making progress.


  • As always start by doing a bowhold check, do a whole bow warm up, playing the scale of D major at the bottom of the previous page. This is so easy to do and really helps you check your tuning.

  • To get going pluck through each piece once or twice.

  • Then try with the bow the Student's Track until you feel confident to move on to the duets.

  • Go from plucking to bowing and back to plucking until you are confidently bowing each piece.

  • Don't be in any rush to 'get it right straight away' - being patient will pay off in the long run.

  • Go over previous videos if you think something's not right.

  • Most 'horrible' sounds occur because of a tense right hand causing the bow to 'tremble,' 'bounce' or be 'scratchy'.

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