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Lesson 15

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33 Brown Bread - Student's Track
33 Brown Bread - Duet
32 Old MacDonald - Duet
32 Old MacDonald - Student's Track


If you're having problems with your bowing it can often be because you bow hold isn't loose enough. When your bow hold isn't relaxed it can so easily be the cause of tone problems. Check the previous lesson for hints and tips about your bow hold.

Key Points: Pieces 32 & 33

  • Pieces 32 & 33 continue the theme of finding 3rd fingers accurately but now QUICKLY. Make sure you 'get' the rhythm in this piece.

  • Piece 32 asks you to go from open D to a 3rd on the D at quite a pace.

  • Piece 33 is a slowish piece but don't be deceived by this. You will still need to move quickly to the 3rd in the second and the sixth bars.

  • Note that Piece 33 has a 'DC al Fine' marking which means go back to the beginning and play until the 'Fine' mark.


  • As always start by doing a bowhold check, do a whole bow warm up, playing the scale of G major at the bottom of the page. This is so easy to do and really helps you check your tuning.

  • Listen particularly to the 3rd finger as it is more likely to be in tune because the other fingers act as a guide.

  • To get going pluck through each piece once or twice.

  • Then try with the bow the Student's Track until you feel confident to move on to the duets.

  • Go from plucking to bowing and back to plucking until you are confidently bowing each piece.

  • Don't be in any rush to 'get it right straight away' - being patient will pay off in the long run.

  • Go over previous videos if you think something's not right.

  • Most 'horrible' sounds occur because of a tense right hand causing the bow to 'tremble,' 'bounce' or be 'scratchy'.

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